

Certification according to GDP - good distribution practice

It is important to us that we offer our customers a high level of quality and service. We are a reliable partner in the pharmaceutical supply chain, which is why we are regularly GDP certified.

Certificate GDP


Certified according to IFS Logistics from auditpartner GmbH

LZ Logistik GmbH places great value on responsible and hygienic handling, storing and disposition of food and animal feed.

Certificate IFS Logistics


Climate certificate of the EWE Energie AG

Our company takes the subject of environmental protection and the protection of fossil resources very seriously.

That's why the LZ Logistik GmbH focuses on renewable energy. To generate electricity, we have equipped a surface of approx. 8,000 m ² with solar panels on one of the warehouses. The electricity generated does not only supply our warehouse and offices. We even go one step further. We have systematically put electrical forklifts into use which are powered by the solar panels.

Bio Siegel DE-ÖKO-003

LZ Logistik has been certified for the storage of organic products by the Lacon Institute with the organic seal DE-ÖKO-003. This means more security for our customers, since this EU-wide organic seal of approval must now also state the origin of the goods.

Quality and safety

are a big issues for us and
therefore we have our work certified.